How to Create a UFO Sightings Map with Extended Label Pins

Creating a UFO Sightings Map: A Step-by-Step Guide

Have you ever gazed skyward and pondered our solitude in the universe? Indeed, reports of UFO sightings span across America, and with ZeeMaps’ latest feature, you now have the power to depict these enigmatic occurrences with unprecedented clarity. The days of being constrained to three-character map pin labels are behind us. Let’s embark on a journey to craft a detailed UFO sightings map featuring extended pin labels.

Step 1: Assemble Your UFO Sightings Data

Your adventure starts with gathering data. Collect incidents of UFO sightings, carefully recording their locations and specifics. For instance, notable examples include:

  • Texas Lights: July 2021 brought bright, unexplained lights to Dallas.
  • Nevada Desert Encounter: A low-flying, silver object made its presence known near Area 51 in August 2019.
  • Seattle Sphere: May 2019 witnessed a shimmering sphere in Seattle.

Ensure that each sighting bears a unique identifier to act as its map label.

Step 2: Create Your Map

Commence by creating a new map on ZeeMaps, importing your catalog of UFO sightings. Verify that one of your data fields encapsulates the complete descriptions or identifiers for labeling.

UFO Sighting Map

Step 3: Apply the Labels

Once you’ve uploaded your data, proceed to label your pins:

Begin by navigating to Map -> Settings.

Subsequently, select the Markers Display tab.

Then, use the dropdown menu in the “Label markers using field” section to select the data field with your UFO sighting identifiers.

Finally, hit Save Changes.

Step 4: Customize Your Map Display

With your pins now labeled, furthermore, you might consider enhancing their display:

  • In the Marker Icons settings, opt for larger pins to make your extended labels clearly visible.
  • Optionally, Choose File to upload an image file to replace markers for an added visual touch to your map.
UFO Sighting Map Icons

Step 5: Explore and Share Your UFO Sightings Map

At last, your map is now ready for exploration. Hence, we can delve into the patterns of sightings across the nation. Moreover, circulate your map among fellow UFO enthusiasts and contribute to our collective quest for understanding.

Conclusion: Embracing the Unknown

After all, your UFO sightings map is more than a collection of pins; it’s a tool for the curious, the believers, and the skeptics. Consequently, ZeeMaps’ new feature turns your quest for the truth to now vividly pinned to the canvas of America’s landscape, each label a testament to the enduring mystery of the skies.

Finally, remember, the truth is out there, and now it’s mapped out, too.

Use Our Spreadsheets to Create Your Own Map

Download our UFO Sightigs spreadsheets below to create your own map. It’s easy!

1: Create your map

2: Share on social

3: Tag ZeeMaps! #ZeeMaps #WeMapYourLists

OneDrive Spreadsheets: Map Location Data

ZeeMaps allows you to create interactive maps from location data stored in Microsoft’s OneDrive spreadsheets. ZeeMaps can periodically update the map as the spreadsheet changes.
You upload and attach your OneDrive spreadsheet to a map only once, then the map can be automatically kept updated as your spreadsheet changes. This way, you do not have to worry about making changes to both your spreadsheet and your map.
In order for this to work, make sure that you do not:

  1. Change the name or location of the spreadsheet
  2. Change the columns of your spreadsheet.

If you make any of the above two changes to your spreadsheet, then you must delete all data from your map and re-upload and attach your spreadsheet.

Attach a OneDrive Spreadsheet to a map

To attach a OneDrive spreadsheet to a map, first create a map on ZeeMaps. Use the Additions -> Upload (Copy-Paste) Spreadsheet menu item on your map, and then select the Cloud Drive Spreadsheet Option.

In the Cloud Drives drop-down, select the Microsoft OneDrive option for the Provider control, and hit the Fetch My Spreadsheets button.

Periodically Update Map from OneDrive Spreadsheet changes
Periodically Update Map from OneDrive Spreadsheet changes

At this point, a window should be activated that asks you to sign-in to your Microsoft OneDrive account and give ZeeMaps access. Once you’ve granted access, you should see a list of your spreadsheets and be able to select the spreadsheet that you want to upload to the map. From here on, follow the steps for uploading a spreadsheet to a map.
If you want your spreadsheet changes to be automatically reflected on your map, make sure that you check the option for “Regularly update from Cloud Spreadsheet” in Step 2 of the confirmation process for the upload:

From then on, the map should be automatically updated when your spreadsheet changes.
To see what spreadsheets are attached to your map, use the View -> Cloud Drive Sheets menu item on your map.

Trip Planner in ZeeMaps for multi-point routes

Trip Planner Overview

ZeeMaps can used as a trip planner to plan your routes visiting multiple points marked on your map. Routes, an ordered list of destinations, can be created on any map, even maps not your own. Some highlights of trip planning with ZeeMaps routes are:

  • The ZeeMaps trip planner can optionally optimize your route for distance or time.
  • Routes are associated with your account for each map, so you’ll need to sign-in to create a route.
  • The trip planner allows you to print your routes, with a map showing the overall route and each stop labelled and listed on the print page.
  • Routes are available when you access the map from your Smart Phone, so you can easily get directions to your next stop from where you are.

Using the ZeeMaps Trip Planner

To create a new route on a map, use the menu item Additions -> Route. This will show you a dialog containing the route. For example, here’s a route on our Used Computer Stores map for a few stores in San Jose and Santa Clara, California.

Trip Planner: Create a route
Trip Planner: Create a route

Start clicking on pins on the map to add to the route. In the route dialog, you can select the route to be either automatically optimized for Distance or for Time. If not, you can leave it to be manual. If the route is in manual mode, you can drag-and-drop the destinations in the route to re-order your route. With a route dialog, you can do the following:

  • List All: list all the routes that you have defined on this map
  • Print: get a map print-out of your route, with each stop marked on the map and listed
  • Reset: clear your current changes
  • Show: show the routes between the destinations
  • Save As: Save your route for future reference
  • Close: dismiss the route dialog

Routes in Smart Phone

After you’ve defined your routes on a map, visit the map from your Smart Phone. To see the routes, click on the menu item and click on the Routes option. This will bring up a list of your routes, so you can click on the one that you want. Once you are on the route, you can click on any destination to get directions to that destination.

Trip Planner: Routes in Smart Phone
Trip Planner: Routes in Smart Phone

Auto-Update Map from Google Drive Spreadsheets

When mapping locations from a spreadsheet on a Google Drive, you can set up auto-update such that changes to your spreadsheet are periodically reflected in your map.
The spreadsheets can be stored as Microsoft Excel, CSV, or Google Spreadsheet files.
To enable this, create a map using one of the “Create a Free Map” button.
Then, go to the Additions menu and select Additions -> Upload (Copy-Paste) Spreadsheet, and then select the Cloud Drive Spreadsheet Option.

In the Cloud Drives drop-down, select the Microsoft OneDrive option for the Provider control, and hit the Fetch My Spreadsheets button.

ZeeMaps will ask you permission to access your Google Drive files in ReadOnly mode. We only ask for Read permissions, so we will never modify your Google Drive files or data in any way.

Select the spreadsheet that you want to upload, by clicking on the checkbox near the spreadsheet’s name.
Next, confirm your upload settings. Make sure at this point you assign columns appropriately, e.g, name -> Name, street address -> Street, city -> City, etc. You can double-click on the assignments to get a list of standard fields to choose from.
Check the box that says: “Regularly update from Cloud Spreadsheet”.

Hit Submit, and wait for a little while. Then, refresh your map to see if the data is being uploaded.

Add Map Markers of Different Colors via Spreadsheet

Suppose you want to add different colored markers, based on a certain column in your spreadsheet, e.g., to distinguish Hospitals and Clinics.
Add a column called “Category” to your spreadsheet, and then enter values such as “Hospital” and “Clinic” in the relevant cells.

ZeeMaps will automatically assign a different color to each category.
If you want to specify the color yourself, then before you upload the spreadsheet, add a legend using the Map -> Legend menu item. Specify the legend values “Hospital” and “Clinic” for the appropriate colors.

The matching is case-sensitive, so make sure that your legend values and category values are exactly the same.

To delete a legend value, empty the legend value in the Map -> Legend dialog and hit submit.

If you want to color markers differently, but not necessarily have a legend, then you can also use color names like blue, green, yellow, etc., in your spreadsheet cells. For a complete list of colors, see the menu item Map -> Marker Icons on your map.