Add Map Markers of Different Colors via Spreadsheet

Suppose you want to add different colored markers, based on a certain column in your spreadsheet, e.g., to distinguish Hospitals and Clinics.
Add a column called “Category” to your spreadsheet, and then enter values such as “Hospital” and “Clinic” in the relevant cells.

ZeeMaps will automatically assign a different color to each category.
If you want to specify the color yourself, then before you upload the spreadsheet, add a legend using the Map -> Legend menu item. Specify the legend values “Hospital” and “Clinic” for the appropriate colors.

The matching is case-sensitive, so make sure that your legend values and category values are exactly the same.

To delete a legend value, empty the legend value in the Map -> Legend dialog and hit submit.

If you want to color markers differently, but not necessarily have a legend, then you can also use color names like blue, green, yellow, etc., in your spreadsheet cells. For a complete list of colors, see the menu item Map -> Marker Icons on your map.

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