Chupacabra & Other American Monsters Map

How well do you know your monsters? And have you heard the tale of the famous Chupacabra? We hadn’t either! We have included this story, and tales of other terrifying creatures, in our Monsters of America map.

Here are a few of our favorite stories, but scroll to #4 to read about the legendary Chupacabra.

#1 Mogollon Monster

In Arizona folklore, the Mogollon Monster is a creature living in central and eastern Arizona along the Mogollon Rim. Reports of footprints, video, and hair samples have been documented by enthusiasts. But, mainstream biologists remain skeptical about the existence of such a creature.

Mogollon Monster from American monsters map

The Mogollon Monster is a bipedal humanoid. At over 7 feet tall, it has inhuman strength and large eyes that some claim to be “wild and red”. Its body is covered with long black or reddish brown hair, with the exclusion of the chest, face, hands and feet. Further, reports claim it has a strong and pungent odor described as that of “dead fish, a skunk with bad body odor, decaying peat moss, and the musk of a snapping turtle.”

Don’t stop! Read on, and find out about the elusive Chupacabra.

#2 Pope Lick Monster

Next up, the Pope Lick Monster – a legendary part-man, part-goat and part-sheep creature. This creature is reported to live beneath a railroad trestle bridge over Pope Lick Creek, in the Fisherville neighborhood of Louisville, Kentucky, United States.

Pope Lick Monster from American monsters map

Further, numerous urban legends exist about the creature’s origins and the methods it employs to claim its victims. According to some accounts, the creature uses either hypnosis or voice mimicry to lure trespassers onto the trestle to meet their death, before an oncoming train. Other stories claim the monster jumps down from the trestle onto the roofs of cars passing beneath it.

Equally important, other legends tell that it attacks its victims with a blood-stained axe. And that the very sight of the creature is so unsettling that those who see it while walking across the high trestle are driven to leap off.

But keep on reading to learn about the Chupacabra.

#3 Bessie

Bessie from Chupacabra & other monsters map

In Michigan folklore, Bessie is a name given to a lake monster in Lake Erie, also known as South Bay Bessie. The first recorded sighting of Bessie occurred in 1793, and more sightings have occurred intermittently and in greater frequency in the last three decades.

Bessie is snake-like and 30 to 40 ft (9.1 to 12.2 m) long, at least a foot in diameter, with a grayish color.

#4 Chupacabra

Chupacabra can be literally translated as ‘goat-sucker’, from chupar (‘to suck’) and cabras (‘goats’).

It is known as both chupacabra and chupacabras throughout the Americas, with the former being the original word, and the latter a regularization of it. Further the name is attributed to Puerto Rican comedian Silverio PĂ©rez, who coined the label in 1995 while commenting on the attacks as a San Juan radio deejay.

Then, in the early 2000s, a different chupacabra arrived on the scene. This one shared some of the traits of earlier sightings, but was a little less alien. Described as a hairless, dog-like animal walking on four legs.

And unlike most monsters, this type is not based exclusively on sightings. Chupacabra bodies have been found.

#5 Mothman

In West Virginia folklore, the Mothman is a creature. Seen in the Point Pleasant area from November 12, 1966 to December 15, 1967.

The first report, published in the Point Pleasant Register, and dated November 16, 1966, was titled: “Couples See Man-Sized Bird … Creature … Something!!”

Mothman from Chupacabra & other monsters map

Then the national press picked up the reports and helped spread the story across the United States. On November 12, 1966, five men were digging a grave at a cemetery near Clendenin, West Virginia. All five men claimed to have seen a man-like figure fly low from the trees over their heads. In addition, this is the first known sighting of what became known as the Mothman!

Did you enjoy learning about the Chupacabra and other American monsters? Do you want to dig deeper into Monsters of America? W. Scott Poole has a fantastic book on the subject: Monsters in America: Our Historical Obsession with the Hideous and the Haunting!

View our Chupacabra & Other Monsters of America map below!

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