Change all markers in California to Yellow in a US Map

Bulk edits of map information has a “Copy Changes” feature. Select multiple rows, make a change to one row, and then click on “Copy Changes” to make the same change to all the selected rows.
For example, suppose we have a US map of locations in different states and we want to color all the markers in California to Yellow.
On your map, click on the Bulk Edits -> Markers menu item (this requires a paid subscription).

Bulk Edit menu item
Bulk Edit of Markers

This opens up a new tab in the browser with an edit grid for all the locations on the map. Sort this grid using the “State” column, and select all rows from California. Change the “Marker” cell of one row to “Yellow” and hit “Copy Changes”. The change is propagated to all the selected rows. Pressing “Save Changes” will commit these changes.
Change multiple rows at once with CopyChanges
Change multiple rows at once with CopyChanges

Re-Color Map Markers

To change the color of a set of markers from one color to another, use the Bulk Edits -> Re-color Markers menu item. You must be a paid subscriber to use this function.

Menu item for Re-Color Markers
Menu item for Re-Color Markers

This will bring up a small dialog, that asks you to pick the original color and the new color. At this time, you can also change the map legend from the old color to the new color, by checking the box for “Also, change map legend”.
Change all markers from one color to another
Change all markers from one color to another

Add Markers with SmartPhones

When you visit a map through your SmartPhone, you should see an “Add” button on the header bar for your map:

Add marker in SmartPhone
Add button on maps in SmartPhones

Press the Add button and you’ll get a form to enter your marker information, i.e., name, location, description and color.
To use the current location, press the button titled “Use Current Location”.
If you do not have the location address, and do not wish to use the current location, ZeeMaps allows you to search for locations. Just fill the name field and hit submit. For example, to search for McDonalds I entered “McDonalds” in the name field, entered my description, picked a marker color, and hit Submit.
Search for local McDonalds
Search for McDonalds to Add location

ZeeMaps lists a few McDonalds, but none of them are close to our location (Sunnyvale, CA):
First Search attempt for McDonalds
First Search attempt for McDonalds

So, change the search from “McDonalds” to “McDonalds, Sunnyvale, CA”. Now it lists McDonalds in Sunnyvale, CA, and you can select one to add to the map.
Improved Search with name and city
Improved Search with name and city

Later, if you want to delete that marker, click on it to get its details, including a “Delete” button.
Delete button for deleting marker in SmartPhone
Delete button for deleting marker in SmartPhone

Displace Markers to reduce clutter

Sometimes map markers (pins) can get cluttered on the map if they are too close to each other. Other times markers can overlap, causing just the top one to be visible.
We’ve added the ability to “Displace Markers”, that allows you to un-clutter close or overlapping markers.
To displace a marker, click on the marker to show the information bubble. Then, click on the first icon to the right bottom of the information bubble. (You must be admin, or have added the marker, to see the icons on the right bottom of the information bubble.)

Displace Marker
Displace Marker Icon

A small window with the buttons “Done” and “Cancel” will appear, and you’ll be able to drag-and-drop the marker to a displaced location. A thin black pointer will point to the original location of the marker, so you know the actual geo-position.
After dragging-and-dropping the marker to a displaced location, if you click on the “Done” button, the marker will be displaced both in the interactive version of the map, and the static images. If you click on the “Cancel” button, the marker will be re-positioned at its original location.
In the above map, we had two overlapping markers. We displaced the top one, to get the following map:
Two overlapping markers separated
Two overlapping markers separated

Re-Positioning or Relocating Markers

Sometimes when you add a marker on a map. It is not positioned exactly where you’d like it to be positioned. There could be many reasons for this: e.g., the address information was not geo coded correctly. Or, you do not want to position the marker on the exact address. or there are multiple markers on a location and you’d like to tease them apart.
ZeeMaps allows you to drag-and-drop markers to reposition them.
To enable drag-and-drop, click on the marker. In the resulting information bubble, click on the first icon to the right bottom of the information bubble.

This should allow you to drag-and-drop the marker to its new location.