Privacy and security

Will ZeeMaps sell my personal information?

ZeeMaps respects user privacy, and will not trade, sell or rent your personal information without your express approval. However, we may collect and/or provide aggregate statistics about our website and users to other parties. For more information, see our Privacy Policy.

How do I prevent users from viewing and changing my map entries?

ZeeMaps allows you to lock individual maps. A locked map can have up to three keys, so you have complete control over who can view or modify your maps. All keys are initially empty, and can be set during or after map creation. To set keys, go to ‘Map’ and ‘Settings’ in your map menu, and select the ‘Map Security’ tab.

  • Admin key – allows users to change map properties and add, modify, or delete map entries.
  • Member key – allows you to identify group members that can add and modify map entries, and view entry details. You can prevent group members from modifying entries by de-selecting the ‘Members Can Change Entries’ checkbox.
  • Viewer key – allows users to view the details of map entries, but does not allow them to make additions or modifications. Leave the key empty if you want details of entries to be available to everyone.

Can I keep maps with confidential data private with HTTPS support?

Yes. Simply change ‘http’ in the map URL to ‘https’.

Can I hide sensitive information?

Yes, you can edit the information bubbles to leave off addresses, telephone numbers, etc. Go to ‘Map’ and ‘Settings’ then ‘Information Bubble’. This allows you to customize certain fields, from the size of the bubble to what information you’d like displayed. You can also set defaults for the size of photo and video here.

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