Secure access, radius regions, and updated Google Maps

Along with several improvements, today we  introduce some major new features for ZeeMaps:

  1. Secure https access,
  2. Radius Regions, and
  3. Updated Google Maps.

You can now access ZeeMaps using the https protocol. Google Ads will still show using the http protocol, so you may get warnings of mixed content in IE. To remove the mixed content warnings, please upgrade your account for an ads-free experience.
ZeeMaps already provides several region coloring mechanisms such as: hand-drawn, colored cities, states, countries, congressional districts, and so forth. In addition, we now support coloring a circular region on the map with a specified distance radius. Use  “Additions -> Radius Region” menu item on your map to draw a circular region on your map.
We have upgraded to the most recent version of Google Maps. You should see improved imagery and better speed across the board.
While we have tested thoroughly, there may be a few lingering inconsistencies or problems. Please let us know if your maps are not working as before.

Moderate addition of map markers

For crowdsourced maps, you can moderate additions with our new “Pending Markers” feature.
Use ‘Map Settings” menu item and then the Add Marker Form tab to check the box for  New entries must be approved by Map Admins, to enable this feature on your map. (Make sure you have set an admin password for your map using Map Settings -> Map Privacy. )
Now, when a non-Admin person adds a marker on the map, it will not be added to the map automatically, but will be in a “Pending Approval” state. Map admins can check for such markers using “View -> Pending Approval“. This will show all markers that are waiting to be approved.
Admins can move, change or delete any of these markers, as you would edit a marker on ZeeMaps. Once you are satisfied with the remaining set of pending markers, use the menu items “Additions -> Approve Pending” to add them all to the map.