Moderate addition of map markers

For crowdsourced maps, you can moderate additions with our new “Pending Markers” feature.
Use ‘Map Settings” menu item and then the Add Marker Form tab to check the box for  New entries must be approved by Map Admins, to enable this feature on your map. (Make sure you have set an admin password for your map using Map Settings -> Map Privacy. )
Now, when a non-Admin person adds a marker on the map, it will not be added to the map automatically, but will be in a “Pending Approval” state. Map admins can check for such markers using “View -> Pending Approval“. This will show all markers that are waiting to be approved.
Admins can move, change or delete any of these markers, as you would edit a marker on ZeeMaps. Once you are satisfied with the remaining set of pending markers, use the menu items “Additions -> Approve Pending” to add them all to the map.

8 thoughts on “Moderate addition of map markers”

  1. Pingback: Online Map Secure Sharing with ZeeMaps - ZeeMaps Blog

  2. Hello ZeeMaps! I would like to add a map to my website, and make it so that viewers who come to the site can add a marker, but they would need to be approved by Admin (me) prior to showing on the map. Is this possible? I tried it using the instructions above in your post, but it doesn’t seem to do the trick. (Viewers can still add a marker, even though I’ve put an admin password on.)

    1. Hi Glenn,
      Many apologies for the delayed response. Your message was caught in our spam folder.
      Please try adding with a different browser than the one that you are making changes to the map. We store login information in session cookies and sometimes you might still have admin privileges even though you unlocked the map with a different key.
      Please email to support at zeemaps com for further help.

  3. Is it possible to change the name of a marker icon? Like from red to “Finland” for instance?
    Only asking because if a map admin uses custom markers the name of the actual marker doesn’t reflect the style of the custom icon.. And they don’t know what they’re picking.

    1. Yes. You can assign a name to a marker color by using the Map -> Legend menu item. This should change the name in most places.
      If you want the legend name to be used in the ADD form, then use the ‘Customizations -> Change Add Form -> Show legend values for selecting marker type instead of colors’ to use the legend values instead of the marker color when picking a marker type.

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