When ZeeMaps started out in August of 2005, we wanted to keep things free of charge as much as possible. We’ve done pretty well with this, but the time has come where we have no choice but to make some changes. We have grown and there are thousands of maps being created each day. Whilst this is great news, it makes it impractical for us to keep offering a free service when we have to pay for the maps on a per-visit basis. That’s why we are changing the way in which our free maps can be viewed.
100 views on free maps
Therefore, as of 1st April 2018, ZeeMaps will limit the number of views on free maps to 100. (Free maps means maps that are not owned by an active paid plan). When you reach 100 views, your map will ‘freeze’ and it can only be unfrozen by upgrading to a paid subscription plan.
How to upgrade your account
If you are currently on the Basic (free) plan and want uninterrupted service, please upgrade to a paid plan before April 1st. To upgrade your account, first click the ‘Sign-In’ link on the top right of the homepage and enter your login information. Next, click on your name/email in the top right-hand corner and select ‘Account’.
The tabs at the top of your account page allow you to manage and upgrade your subscriptions; manage users; and manage the cards you use to pay – among other things.
If you created a free map without registering, you’ll have to Sign-Up in order to upgrade your account. Select the ‘Sign-Up’ link on the top right of the homepage to get started, then follow the instructions from there.
Contact us if you have any questions or need any assistance – we’re always happy to help. And thanks for your patience and understanding.
Please send us a link to the map and we can determine the issue you are encountering
Thank you
Can’t access the map.
Please post a link to the map.
no puedo acceder al mapa
Pídale al propietario del mapa que actualice a un plan pago.
Please ask the map owner to upgrade to a paid plan.
The instructor needs to get a paid plan.
Please send us a link to the map.
Hello, can you tell me how many users can access the map simultaneously? thank you!
We do not impose a limit on the number of users.
What does a “view” mean? Is it a view in edit mode or a view from the public?
Hi João, a view is anyone viewing the map, not just for edit.
I am trying
Hi Alexandre,
Where are you looking for the map? Is this in a course?
I am trying to seee the map… but
Hello, good afternoon, my name is Sara Sofia, i’m from Colombia from the Orinoquia region, I am very excited to start the course, I hope you are well.
Hola, mi nombre es Mariana y soy colombiana, soy estudiante de ingeniería y estoy muy emocionada por aprender de este curso para reconocer cuando estén violando mis derechos y de quienes me rodean
Hi, my name is Jancy.
Please send us a link to the map
Thank you!!!
Hi Ana,
Which map are you looking for?
Hola mi nombre es Lizbeth, estoy muy contenta de compartir este espacio con todos y todas ustedes, de conocer más sobre lo que son los derechos humanos.
Hi, I am unable to access the map.
Hi there,
Please send us a link to the map so we can investigate further.
I am unable to access the map.
Hello Franklin,
Send us a link to the map, either here or in an email to support and we’ll take a look. Thank you!
Hi, I’m trying to look to Map from “Art of MOOC” but I can’t. Someone can help me? :c
Hello Ariadne,
Do you have a spreadsheet of locations you would like to map or would you like to add them one by one? Reply here or feel free to email support and we will be happy to help!
soy Gabriela Coello de Honduras, un placer
I am trying to renew my package but I cannot
Hi Tinia, please send a message to support@zeemaps.com with your account email.
hola, buenas tardes, soy María Rosa Tula, de la ciudad de Roldán, provincia de Santa FE, Argentina. un placer compartir con Ustedes este aprendizaje. muchas gracias!!!
Can’t access the map https://www.zeemaps.com/frozen.jsp?group=1564265
Here from Coursera (Inspirational Leadership: Leading with Sense)
Thank you.
Send us a link to the map, either here or in an email to support and we’ll take a look. Thank you!
Hola, me complace saludarlos, emocionado e intrigado por el contenido del presente curso.
I am unable to access the map. Kindly help.
Hi Hammam,
Send us a link to the map, either here or in an email to support and we’ll take a look. Thank you!
I’m from Brazil and I’m able to see the map. Can you please help me?
Hi Maria,
Send us a link to the map, either here or in an email to support and we’ll take a look. Thanks;
I am unable to access the map. Kindly help.
Please send us a link to the map you are trying to access so that we may be able to better assist you. Also feel free to shoot us an email at http://www.zeemaps.com/contact
Thank you!
Hi, I am taking a course from Coursera, called Urban Nature: Connecting Cities, Nature and Innovation, which sent me here. Unfortunately it says that the map is frozen. I cannot complete my assignment if I don’t complete this step. Please advise!
Thank you!
Please see the link to the map I was mentioning: https://www.zeemaps.com/frozen.jsp?group=2741387
Hello Daniela,
Please contact your course administrator and inform them of the issue you are facing.
I need to access this map as part of an Amnesty International Course.
Can it be unblocked?
Hi Esther,
Please send us a link to the map and we can see if we can open it for a while.
Thank you!
I am unable to open the map
Hi Romelo,
Please send us a link to the map and we can see if we can open it for a while.
Hi there, I also cannot see this map.
Hi Oliver,
Please send us a link to the map and we can see if we can open it for a while.
Do you have more details please for the map and how this works?
Hi Dimi,
Can you send us an email or contact us so we can give you more details. http://www.zeemaps.com/contact
Hi Brita, I’m trying to access to this map coursera-course https://www.zeemaps.com/frozen.jsp?group=2052710&noheaders=true
Could you help me? Thank you
Hi Biviana,
The map belongs to an account that does not have a paid plan. Please ask the instructor to subscribe to one of our paid plans, and the map will be re-activated.
Can you send us a link?
Hi Zora,
What did you need a link to and we will send
Need some help to locate my location to start ma course on coursia
Gelp guide me so that ill continue taking my futher steps toward my course
Hi Faiqa,
Can you send us an email or contact us so we can give you more details? http://www.zeemaps.com/contact
So, it didn’t come over as at all obvious that we’d have to pay £100 for this once a certain number of views had been reached. I’d put a hell of a lot of work into this map for educational and information purposes, and now I can’t access it.
Is the basic message, now that I’ve put all the work into creating the map, that it’s now basically useless unless I pay the money? Is it possible to access it one more time to at least reclaim the information I’d put into it?
Hi Martin,
Please send us a link to the map and we can see if we can open it for a while.
Thank you!
Hi, I have paid for the course on EdX but it is still saying I have not paid to see the map. How can I access the map?
Hi Jess,
Please send us a link to the map and we can determine the issue you are encountering
Thank you!
I am a bit confused about this map. Everytime I click on the map it does not show anything. I am lost with this section.
Can you send us a link to where you are seeing the map.
where was “+”?, I didn’t find it
It should be on the top left of the map. Otherwise, check with the map administrator.
Where is the + button? What is the map for?
Please ask the map administrator for instructions, or send us a link to the page so we can guide you.
I am asked to pin my location on the map by a leadership class I am enrolled in through Coursera, yet when I try to open the map I get the following error:
“Maximum visits allowed for maps without a paid plan is 100 visits.
This map is currently frozen. To unfreeze, please Upgrade the account that owns this map to one of our paid plans for more visits.
In case the map is not owned by any account, Sign-Up for the service and claim the map with a paid account.”
This is the link: https://www.zeemaps.com/frozen.jsp?group=1564265
Hi Sarah,
Please ask the instructor of the course to subscribe to a paid plan so the map can be active,
“Maximum visits allowed for maps without a paid plan is 100 visits.”
Bonjour , voila le message que j’ai eu quand j’ai voulu ouvrir la page dont vous indiquer
, Je sis dans un pays où on nous n’avons pas l’ euro et nous pouvons pas les moyens pour échanger avec les applications comme le paiement électronique , le Paypal , les carte google play et tous ,
C’est vrai que je suis interessé au cous et je vous remercie pour les efforts
Mais si j’ ai les moyens , j’aurai choisir l’offre premium pas le free
Merci d’être comprehensif et y’ a t’il une solution pour je puisse avoir cette carte (map) free et aussi où je vais envoyer la presentation que vous demander et merci
Bonjour, Please send us a link to the map and we can investigate.
Bonjour, Veuillez nous envoyer un lien vers la carte et nous pourrons enquêter.
I was trying to find out the (+) button, but I didn’t find it
Hi, can you send us a link to the map so we can investigate.
Hi, I have recently joined the Coursera Leadership program that requires me to go to the maps –
However, it is not opening. Is there something I should be doing to get it to work?
Please contact your course instructor and ask them to signup for a paid plan. Thanks.
Hola Yo tambien estoy en el mismo problema, no puedo obtener el mapa espero de su pronta respuesta, porque me interesa continuar en el curso que me anote.
Saludos muchas gracias. Vanina.
Hola Vanina, ¿puedes enviarnos un enlace al mapa para que podamos guiarte mejor? El propietario del mapa debe registrarse en un plan pago. Gracias.
I have paid for the subscription, but it is still not allowing me to use the map,
Hi Anshu,
The map may not be in your account. It needs to be owned by an account that has a paid plan. In case you are the owner, please contact us and we can move the map to your account.
The map isn’t interactive…can you tell me how to unfreeze it?
Hi Eugene,
The owner of the map needs to sign-up for one of our paid plans, as we limit the number of views on free maps to 100.
nao consegui localizar o mapa
Can you please give more details of the map you are searching for? Thanks.
¿Puede dar más detalles del mapa que está buscando? Gracias.
Hey I am unable to get on the Map right now. Will it be affecting the course??
Hi Fatima,
Please direct this question to your class instructor.
I think its a shame that free maps have finished – 100 views is not much. But my maps would never have enough views to warrant paying the $20 a month. It would be good if you could either give more free map views (say 1000 instead of 100) or else have a much cheaper monthly version for little used maps.
Hi Ruth,
Our hands are tied, as every time someone views a map, we have to pay Google for their maps.
That said, we do offer some discount for non-profit, personal and educational use.
Please send us a message to support@zeemaps.com and we can review your use for discount.
I can’t open the link, it says that the map is frozen. What should I do ?
Thank you in advance,
Hi Mickael,
You’ll need to upgrade the account to one of the paid plans for the map to be active after 100 views.
NPR just announced we could go to this site and find numbers of covid cases by county in USA, free, map is frozen, how do I un freeze and use please?
Hi Kathleen,
We’ve unblocked the map. Should be working now.
Hello – I cannot see the map please can you help? Thanks! I am unable to get another version.
Please send us a link to the map and we can determine the issue you are encountering
Thank you!
I am trying to see the map, but I can, can you help me with, please.
Hi Henry,
Can you send us a link to the map. Thanks.
Hey I am unable to get on the Map right now. Will it be affecting the course??
Hi Minal,
Can you send us a link to the map. Thanks.
i am really confused about this map thing, i dont understand what i should be doing exactly
Hi Kuhle,
Can you send us an email or contact us so we can give you more details. http://www.zeemaps.com/contact
I am unable to get the map now, will get back to it with some help later, for now, I really want to continue.
Kind regards,
Hi Florence,
Please send us a link to the map and we can see if we can open it for a while.
F4E: Decisions Participant Map
This is the link in which i enter my location to start my course
I am trying to see the map, but I can’t
Hi Tamer,
Please send us a link to the map and we can determine the issue you are encountering
Thank you!