Connecting two markers with a line or route

To connect two markers with a route between them, please do the following:

  1. Click on the first marker to open its information balloon.
  2. Click on the third icon of the four icons to the right bottom of the information balloon. You must have unlocked the map as Map Admin for the icons to show.
  3. This should result in a dialog box for the connection. Customize your connection, e.g., whether it is a route or straight line, etc.
  4. Click on the second marker for the connection.
  5. Hit Submit.

For connecting another set of two markers, please close the connection dialog and repeat steps 1 through 5.

15 thoughts on “Connecting two markers with a line or route”

  1. Hello,
    Is it possible to change the color of the connector?
    I have it default set to blue color, is there a way to change the color of the connector?
    Thank you.

  2. I am trying to create a route from China to Honolulu, however it will make the curved route go the other way around the world instead of what is the shortest distance. Is there a workaround for that issue?

  3. It would be helpful if the route option was able to select road or rail travel. By default it selects road and we were trying to show our rail travel path.

  4. Is it possible to edit all of the “connection” lines within your map without having to delete a line and recreate it? For example, if you wanted to change the color or width of all of the lines at once?

    1. I’m another user who would love to be able to curve the connections between markers. My map involves sea travel, and it looks a bit funny to have routes going overland, when obviously the ship would have rounded the coastline instead đŸ˜‰ Being able to click and drag the connecting line would be brilliant. Thanks for a wonderful service!

  5. Is it possible to custom shape the connecting line or route, for example to make a straight line between 2 markers a curved arch?

  6. You can click on the little white box in the middle of the connection to get an edit dialog that will allow you to delete the connection.
    For straight lines, the edit dialog also allows you to edit the connection path.

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