Google Maps Scale in Miles — Change from Kilometers

By default, Google Maps scale is displayed at the bottom right of the map in kilometers (or meters at close range), as shown in the diagram below.

Google Maps Scale in Kilometers
Google Maps shows scale in km

If you want to see the Google Maps scale in miles (or feet), you’ll need to click on the scale to switch between kilometers and miles. This is okay once in a while, but can become irritating if you have to do it all the time for your maps.
We’ve added a new customization where you can specify that you want the scale in miles for your map.
To change this setting, use the Map -> Settings menu to go to the settings page on your map menu. Then, click on the Map Display tab, check the box for Use “Miles” scale control, and hit Save Changes. Go back to your map and the scale should now be in miles instead of kilometers.
Map Settings menu item
Map Settings menu item

Change Google Maps scale to miles in ZeeMaps
Change map scale to miles in ZeeMaps

5 thoughts on “Google Maps Scale in Miles — Change from Kilometers”

  1. Pingback: How To Change Km To Miles On Iphone –

    1. Hi Tai,

      Make sure you are accessing the “Editable” version of the map on a desktop or laptop. Then, the menu bar should be on top of the map, and the first item is called “Map”.

      If you click on that, there is a sub-item called “Settings” that will take you to the settings page.

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