During the first five days of the series, we’ll introduce you to local individuals who were born in countries around the globe that face social unrest, political change and/or cultural conflict.
They come from Syria, Kurdistan Iraq, Burundi, Nepal and Somalia.
Each person shared with The Forum their unique tale of their homeland and their transition to America and Fargo-Moorhead.
While their experiences are distinct, some similarities weave their stories together.
We invited each of these individuals to participate in a roundtable discussion about international and cultural issues, as a way to shed light on topics we don’t often discuss here in the upper Great Plains.
That conversation will be chronicled for the sixth, and final, installment of this series.
Read the stories each day in The Forum – and check out Inforum.com for extra content, including videos of each interview and an interactive map.
- Kristen M. Daum, reporter at The Forum of Fargo Moorhead.
(All content copyright, Forum Communications 2011).